Thursday, August 28, 2014

The Main Show @phillyfolkfest

When Pipe Major Dennis Hangey walked the length of the grounds and up onto the main stage playing his bagpipes in full regalia it was time for the big show to begin.

My First Folk Fest!

At The Evening Show
In My Tie Dye Bandanna


Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Shopping for Crafts @PhillyFolkFest

No trip to the Philly Folk Fest would be complete without a trip to the craft area. It was cool to watch people make jewelry, to taste new foods, and to buy clothing.

I'm a Flower Baboon!

After meeting Corny and Gator I went to the craft area. They had a Carnival Funny Photo for me to put my face in.

Liquid Monkey

After the Hmong crafts booth where I got my kitteh there was a store called Liquid Monkey. I was a bit taken aback until I realized they're a glass blower.

Modeling a Tie Dye Bandanna.

I especially liked the tie dye store. I bought a cute bandanna.

Oh Dear... A Folk Fest Toaster?

And finally we went to the souvenir shop where I bought a "My First Folk Festival shirt." I don't need a toaster right now but if I did, it would be silliness to burn the Folk Fest Happy Banjo into my poptarts. It's a miracle!!!

Sunday, August 24, 2014

New Friends at the Philadelphia Folk Festival

The Gator at the Gate

Corny the Frog

I made some new friends at the Philadelphia Folk Festival. As we entered there was a gator at the gate and also a frog named Corny. Once the humans were settled in I went back up to the gate and introduced myself.

Oh oh the Chicken of the Sea Mermaid, Catalina,was there. I signed up to win tuna for the cats.

Toby and New Kitteh

While I was up there I looked around in the craft area, where I got myself my very own Hmong craft kitteh who looks a lot like our cat.

Can you help me name the kitteh?

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Hmong Craft Monkeys!

Pang Xiong with cool Hmong crafts

With Pang Xiong and a craft Monkey

I met some cute monkeys at the Hmong craft booth. The owner, Pang Xiong, was very nice and posed with me and a monkey. I checked on Facebook and found she is Hmong Arts & Crafts from Laos, Upper Darby, PA.

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Bagpipes at the Philadelphia Folk Festival

Toby Loves The Bagpipes

Pipe Major Dennis Hangey has been the official piper at the Philadelphia Folk Festival for a long time. He pipes across the grounds and up onto the stage to chase the evil spirits away. Or so they tell me.

I sure do love bagpipes!!!

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Toby Meets A Mermaid!

Toby and Catalina, the
Chicken of the Sea Mermaid

The Chicken of the Sea mermaid, Catalina, was at the Folk Fest for The Great American Gratitude Tour. She snuggled me! *whispers* She didn't smell like fish at all!

I entered her contest to win a year of tuna for the cats.

Saturday, August 16, 2014