Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Thursday, July 20, 2017

At The Knitting Store #TobyB @Kolo_Martin

Knitting Machine Sponges

Removing Knitting Machine Needles

Making Pillows for ROTC

Wrestling A Squid

So Much Yarn!

A New Friend

Fun Discount Yarns

Sunday, January 24, 2016

So Much Snow! #TobyB @kolo_Martin

Winter Storm Jonas dropped some snow on us. Apparently winter storms are named after boy bands now. Isn't that adorable!

It was less than two feet of snow but everyone was in a tizzy over it. It is so easy to prepare for a major storm. Have at least a week worth of food on hand, preferably items that don't need cooking. Have flashlights and lots of blankets at the ready in case power goes out. Assume you won't go to work for at least one day, even if you own a half-track or some such. It doesn't get better than this!

There is, of course, the problem of shoveling the snow. My humans aren't the youngest folks on the block, so they count on it taking two days to dig out. They work slowly but the job still gets done.

The storm dropped over twenty inches of snow on us,
but my homemade sweater and hat kept me toasty warm.

Shoveling a path for the cats

My cats enjoyed playing in the snow.

This snow-covered pine tree is beautiful.

Monday, October 12, 2015

I Knit A Hat!

I am learning to knit! Rather than knit scarf after scarf or perhaps fingerless gloves, I decided to knit a fun spiral hat pattern from Ravelry. Half size will fit my head perfectly.

This varigated blue yarn
will make a handsome hat.

Very sharp, if I do say so myself!

Friday, April 10, 2015

#MiniBreeze is Meeting @kolo_Martin!

MiniBreeze Visits! » In Iglund wif @kolo_Martin!

My plush brofur #MiniBreeze arrived in Inglund and met my twitter pal @Kolo_Martin at Baboon HQ.

#MiniBreeze meets @Kolo_Martin
and gets a hug!!

Photo credits:
Kolo Martin
Kolo's World

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

A New Social Network!!

My Profile

I stumbled across a new social network called, oddly enough, "Can Be Social." Can Be Social is a place where you can be an anipal or stuffie and not have to worry that you'll be kicked out for being a "fake profile."

It's easy to sign up. There's even a captcha to keep the spammers out! Membership is moderated so be patient. Snuffy asks me to tell you...
Can you mention to anyone wanting to join that all accounts are moderated due to spammers. I check at least every day but if they are in a rush, they can send me a message to activate them sooner.

I'm making new friends. Some of them we know from twitter for facebook.

My first "Can Be Social" friends:
Kolo Martin [twitter] - who found me a wonderful place to live.
Leroy Martin [twitter]
Snuffy Norton-Bearmani [twitter]
Saila and the Asherbears [twitter]
Toddy Furrington [twitter]

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Meet Zephyr!!

Meet My New Kitteh.

I got a stuffed fabric kitteh from the Hmong craft booth. He is quite affectionate. He sits on my shelf with me when I'm chilling at home.

It was hard to pick a name for a kitteh. We already have a MiniBreeze. He's touring the world right now but I hear he's really sweet. MiniBreeze has his own bloggy where he tells all about his travels.

As I thought it through, Micro-, Nano-, Pico- or FemtoBreeze would be too unoriginal. Maybe a name of a famous wind like Sirocco, Passat, or Chinook... no, that's the names of two cars and a helicopter!

Wind gods? YES!!! The name Zephyr means God of the West Wind or it can mean a soft gentle breeze. That's my kitteh!

Zephyr Is My kitteh!